Tag Archives: monsters

Monster Wanted For Questioning

14 Nov

A monster is wanted for questioning in relation to an incident that has left a family shocked and frightened in the early hours of this morning.

In a Southern Sydney suburb at about 5.30am this morning, the victim claims he heard a loud, scary monster under his bed.

Another key witness at the scene claims to have heard the cat, Mister Fluffy Pants, running down the hall on the wooden floor at approximately the same time. It is uncertain if the cat was running away from the monster, or if it is indeed a case of mistaken identity.

Authorities tried to question Mister Fluffy Pants but he was hiding under the bed and unavailable for comment at this time.

When shown a line-up of photographs, the victim was unable to positively identify the perpetrator with the only definite points of identification being that the monster had large feet, big teeth and sharp claws.
Obviously, all monsters do not look alike, however, this is not much for the authorities to lead their investigation with.

It is believed that it may be the same monster that has been terrorising other families in the area but until authorities question him, it is too early to say if he is a serial monster.

The victim was treated for shock and terror at the scene before being moved shortly after to Mummy and Daddy’s bed, where no one proceeded to get any sleep. After a short time authorities thoroughly searched the area and pronounced it clear of all monsters and the victim could return to his room.

Sadly, he was unable to return to sleep and is feeling very fractious and upset today. Understandably.

Another key witness at the scene was heard to comment ‘Bloody typical’ as it is believed she was having the best night’s sleep in 7 months with the family’s younger child having slept all the way through for the second time ever.

If you see this monster, do not approach him as he may be dangerous. If you have any information that leads to the arrest of this monster you may be entitled to a reward.

Harbouring this monster will be severely dealt with by authorities as it is a serious offence in all states of Australia.